About Corey Coburn

Corey waving

Hi, I am Corey, a Full Stack Software Engineer living in Santa Rosa, CA with 9+ years of professional experience. My passion for this constantly evolving field resonates deeply with me. I continue to be inspired to excel as an engineer and I am eager to be part of a team with similar goals.

My Story

Since I was a child I have been interested in building things for the web; that interest grew in high school when I was introduced to free website hosts like Geocities and Angelfire. I continued my creative passion for programming and design while in college both in and out of the classroom.

I graduated from Sonoma State University in 2005 and became an Executive Team Leader for Target; my role focused heavily on providing excellent customer service and successfully leading a team. While I valued my role at Target, I was not fulfilled and after three years, I decided that I would be happier in a more creative setting.

I joined C.P.A. Valet, a premier valet and shuttle company in the North Bay, as an Operations Manager. After a year of working as an Operations Manager, I realized that the operations of the business could operate much more efficiently if there was an application/service that could handle all of the business needs.

Since 2011, I have been working as a software engineer, creating a successful internal CRM and ERM (Customer Relationship Management and Employee Relationship Management), called LEAP, that runs the day-to-day operations for the company. The application that I have built includes an extensive amount of features, including: scheduling, generating contracts, hiring process, client/employee communication, business reports, transactional emails, etc. I am presently close to rolling out LEAP 2.0 with a front end built in Vue and back-end/API built in Laravel.


I have grown with the web. My first websites were built before CSS existed and layouts were used with tables. I developed websites using Flash and ActionScript 3 before html5 was introduced.

Since 2010, I have been developing with PHP using a custom framework I architected, Javascript/ES6 (jQuery and now Vue), MySQL, and use GIT for version control. I have a good understanding of the Unix system/web servers as I've dealt with all of the DevOps processes for C.P.A. Valet. I feel at home on the command line as I use it every day.

My current tech stack that I am working in daily is:

Current Projects


Springly is a multi-tenant SAAS web application for mobile service companies in the hospitality industry. It is currently in private development.

Liv Themes

Currently working on releasing an Admin Template product on Theme Forest , which is built with Vue and Tailwind CSS.

Open Source

I started contributing to open source projects last year when my first pull-request was merged into a popular Vue package ( Added modifiers to listen to scroll events ). I plan to spend more time focusing on open source work in 2019-2020.

Currently Learning

I am currently focusing on improving my development process by writing more tests for my code (unit and integration) by using TDD (Test-driven development) process for both Laravel and Vue. I also have been dabbling in learning React and GraphQL.

I love the field that I work in and feel privileged that I can do what I love on a daily basis. I love staying on top of the ever-changing web and enjoy building side-projects to practice/hone my skills.